A New Path for Agriculture with Agcurate: Accurate & Timely Rural Agricultural Intelligence

What is Missing in Agriculture Today?
Innovation and digital technologies are key parts of our lives today, even in the remotest parts of the earth. However, the opportunity and services are not distributed evenly and many rural communities are among the most negatively affected. These are the rural communities that are home to all 500 million family farmers working hard to feed the world. We believe that this discrepancy, and our approach to it, will be defining the future of food and agriculture.
Agriculture is unique among all sectors with its diverse stakeholders and complex nature. Our food is being cultivated across vast farmlands in remote rural areas, which neither the consumers nor the agribusiness are well-informed of. Scarcity of the necessary rural agricultural intelligence in the food and agriculture supply chain leads to:
- Food with low quality, low nutrients, and volatile prices (on the consumer end)
- Struggling farmers with limited access to resources and to the market (on the production side)
Agriculture is in need of many more novel and innovative solutions tackling these challenges faced by our society and our planet today. On the other hand, the agricultural data, crucial for better products and solutions in food & agriculture, is mostly limited, outdated, erroneous and inaccessible. As a result, the stakeholders are not connected with any reliable and scalable rural data and analytics.
Where Our Story Begins
Agcurate is the result of the lasting problem of unpredictable crop production in our home country, Turkey. Four months ago, we took the hard path to create a comprehensive platform that delivers accurate, rich and timely agricultural intelligence, globally.
At Agcurate, we strive everyday to create tools and instruments which would have the potential to disrupt a major part of the oldest industry in the world. We are achievers, valuing trusting and respectful relationships, living for a global experience, and working within a remote-first environment. We deeply care about our social, economical and environmental impact. Believing in the importance of technology in agriculture; we aim to empower our stakeholders, amplify novel solutions and de-risk innovations.
At the core of our platform, we use various satellite imagery combined with proprietary machine learning algorithms. We analyze, validate and deliver high accuracy field-level results.
In just under 4 months, with our passionate and seasoned team, we developed our initial product that identifies crops country-wide. The initial crops that we wanted to cover are annual crops which farmers cultivate in vast rural areas.
We discovered that our services have the potential to provide game changing benefits to agri-input businesses, agri-insurance and banking services and commodity, food and retail businesses.
Agri-Input Business: Seed & Pesticide & Other

We forecast crop production accurately, and deliver early indicators and reliable data-backed projections. As a result, we enable predictable operations and optimal production for seed, pesticide, fertilizer or agri-machinery companies.
Agricultural Banking & Insurance

We de-risk assessing fields’ and farmers’ agri-feasibility globally and offer an objective way of measuring their performance by providing instant and real time field level results. As a result, we enable delivery of credit and insurance solutions to 400+ million family farmers, previously unbanked and uninsured.
Commodity & Food & Retail Business

We provide dynamic results and rich analysis, which are updated frequently. Therefore, we are aiming to be a crucial part in decision making of crop supply for all major crop buyers including commodity, food and retail businesses.
What’s Next for Agcurate?
We build Agcurate to be the force for positive impact on farmers, agribusinesses, agri-finance and policymakers. We are on a mission to be the leading provider of accurate, rich and timely agricultural rural intelligence for agribusiness. We deeply value availability and accuracy. We keep encouraging better products and services for agriculture. We envision a future where the supply chain is completely transparent, trade is fair, rural life is decent and innovation grows of complementary partnerships with aligned goals.
Starting from 2021 we will be delivering crop identification, yield, harvest and sowing analyses at farm scale, in multiple countries for multiple crops from 2017 to date. Our goal is to serve agribusinesses globally on all major crops by 2024. With a user-first approach, our aim is to design our products and services ensuring an enjoyable and insightful experience.
We will be working tirelessly to connect remote agri-intelligence with agribusiness. If you’d like to hear more from us, please subscribe to our newsletter below.
Do you have any immediate questions, remarks or comments? We will be happy to talk. Just contact us via info@agcurate.com